Common Era

Assimilating the Southern Annular Mode

Reconstructing the SAM by assimilating drought atlases and PAGES.

Mt. Wylly Collection

Collecting Tasmanian tree ring records.

Volcanic Assimilations

Probing climate sensitivity to volcanism using data assimilation.

NTREND Assimilation

Reconstructing Northern Hemisphere temperatures using NTREND.

Resolving the differences in the simulated and reconstructed climate response to volcanism over the last millennium

Assimilating tree-ring records helps resolve discrepancies between simulated and reconstructed climate reponse to volcanism.

A data assimilation approach to last millennium temperature field reconstruction using a limited high-sensitivity proxy network

We reconstruct Nothern Hemisphere temperatures over the last millennium by assimilating a highly-sensitive, curated tree-ring network.

Volcanoes and ENSO: a re-appraisal with the Last Millennium Reanalysis

We use data assimilation to probe the links between ENSO and volcanism.